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Back on our Mercedes Benz focus this week. The elegant 220Seb coupé has been returned to its rock-star owner having had it’s brakes rebuilt and fuel injection system properly set up.
Meanwhile progress continues to made on the 1957 220S, it’s engine now fully rebuilt, while its Pagoda stablemate is being stripped for body restoration, which is going to be a big job – check out the rot in it’s underside.
Finally, and away from Stuttgart to Hethel, progress on the Esprit continues..
#mercedesbenz, #classicmercedesbenz, #mercedes220seb, #mercedesbenz220sebcoupe, #germanclassics, #mercedesbenz220s, #mercedes220s, #mercedespagoda, #rust, #classiccarrestoration, #templarclassics, #templartowers

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